
Little parental forge…

Little parental forge...There is a fairly wide range of art types: architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, artistic forging, etc. Each of them brings to life various aspects of human existence, which is reflected with the help of a peculiar artistic and figurative language.

Fine art is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various types of creativity. Art directs aesthetic taste in a certain direction, which is a component of the spiritual development of society. Artistic forging is the most common method of processing metal, which is inextricably linked with blacksmithing. However, the artistic forging of metal, which is connected with the implementation of various design sketches, is a creative activity. After all, not all blacksmith works can be highly artistic products. In the blacksmith workshops of Bohdan Novoselskyi, they forge creative products.

And it all started about 20 years ago with a small parent forge, which later became a powerful production. All compositions created at the forge are distinguished by their originality and individuality. That is why publications about outstanding works are repeatedly published in various all-Ukrainian publications. Therefore, if you want to order something really unusual, then you need to contact Bohdan Novoselskyi.

Publication date: September 7, 2024