
Diploma for participation in the preparation and holding of the festival “Festival of Blacksmiths” 2005

Diploma for participation in the preparation and holding of the festival "Festival of Blacksmiths" 2005Traditionally, on the day of the city of Ivano-Frankivska, a great artistic holiday takes place – the blacksmith festival. So, one of the organizers, already traditionally, was Bohdan Fedorovych. Therefore, the blacksmith’s holiday on May 7, 2005 was held at a qualitatively higher level. In addition to participants from all regions of Ukraine, representatives of more than 20 countries of the world took part in it, as well as tens of thousands of spectators who celebrated the day of the city. Bohdan Novoselskyi’s significant contribution to the organization of the holiday did not go unnoticed, which is why the artist was awarded an honorary diploma.